It's all about character...
Hey, no worries, you are supposed to laugh at the image to your left. Okay, don't laugh THAT hard and you can take your hand away from your wide open mouth as you say, "Wow, she has really aged!" Yep. I am going to reveal my vulnerability about aging, sort of along the vein of Oprah and her yo-yo weight saga. I was all prepared to write about my fabulous springtime walks in De Luz and one of descriptive lines was about how my cells burst open with new life (more on that next post). Anyhooo, I started thinking, yeah, how come those new cells aren't showing up on my face, puffing out those wrinkles? I mean, how many times have I been snookered into buying facial products with the "new, nano age technology" that reduce the signs of aging in just a a few short weeks! You know, these products work on the cellular level. Really, they do. So, with my cells bursting, and my latest facial regime, I thought surely I was turning back the clock with every cotton swab and serum drenching. I decided to prove it to myself and take a self portrait in harsh light and don't ya know, the product manufacturer is going to be sure to want me for their before and after testimonies. Click, click and a look at my camera screen. Ewww, ouch, maybe I need more time for the products to work. Then, I used that little magnifying thing on my camera and zeroed in a small section on the bottom of my face. I thought I would puke. Here was this deep crevice, with little blond hairs gone haywire, and blemishes to boot. As soon as I got home, I at least cut those little hairs, thinking they were sort of flag wavers saying, "Hey, looky here, get a load of these wrinkles!" So, with my face still looking like a well traveled road map and no stimulus road renewal in sight, I am left thinking, it sure is a good thing I live in De Luz, where we are all about character, none of that plastic stuff for us. Well, I did run in the house and google the "Lifestyle Lift" and "Thermage Facial Rejuvenation." You know, just like to know what's out there!
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