But, Donah was coming out in July to stay for a week and Janet would join us, so we kind of thought that would be reunion enough. Janet, however, was already commited to going to visit her mom on the reunion week-end. In one of our conversations, Janet mentioned the airfares were cheap so I said I would think about it. Then, Donah called and said, "Heard you may have a change of heart about going to Ohio." My husband said, "You should go." Click, click, search, search,search, reservation made. I emailed Kitty and Tom and told them we would all three be attending, and she wrote back saying, "So far the response is a bit sparse. Only seven people have confirmed, and now with you three, that makes ten." Kitty, NOW you tell me! :-)
Omigod. Too late to cancel so I called the girls with the news. We cracked up, Donah tried to back out. Oh, no sista, you are IN, no matter what! We then reframed the event as an opportunity to form intimate connections with very substantive individuals!! Donah and I went to work on getting Ann T to attend and she acquiesed without too much pressure! She ended up staying with us at Donah's aunt Cathy's home. I think Ann and I have claimed her as our own "Aunt Cathy," after being the guests of such an embracing, delightful woman! Donah, Janet, Ann and I shared the buried and blatant truths of our past, and regaled one another with stories about our lives since 1973, creating a loving bond that we will continue to cherish and nurture.
Janet, her mom (who was entirely too much fun and looks like one of our peers), Donah, and I visited our old, still beautiful, neighborhood and other familiar haunts. My pores soaked up the joy and contentment I felt being with my two best friends as we whooped with laughter over the crazy things we did! I realized that my resistance to returning to Ohio had nothing to do with my junior high and high school years, which hold the whole spectrum of memories, from grand to sad. It was the two years POST graduation that had me stuck in the muddied, burdensome memories of poor and bad choices I made during that phase of my life. My parents provided me and my two brothers with the most wonderful family life imagineable and I was disgusted with myself for separating from that strong, loving foundation to "experience" independence, in a rather corrupt manner. Thank God, the safety and security of their unconditional love bekoned me back to a path that eventually led me to life I cherish.
Kitty,Tom, Kathi, Elaine and Sandy put together a fabulous week-end, beginning Friday night and ending Sunday evening. From socializing at the lovely clubhouse, to clubbing it at Blue Magoos, listening to our very talented classmate, Tom McCoy play and sing the blues, to Saturday night's delicious dinner and funky band (thanks to Tom O), to Sunday's all day outdoor music festival, benefitting breast cancer, put together by Tom McCoy, it was extraordinarily special! I think there were 40 to 50 people who attended, some with spouses, some without, and all of us were thrilled to be reconnected. It was wonderful to see how certain people gravitated to one another, sharing common past, and present, interests. No longer plagued by teenage angst, rebellion, or a need to fit in, we were all infected by the loving energy created by decent, caring people, coming together again after 36 years. I am so blessed to have enriched my life with new and rekindled friendships. Thank you Kitty, Tom, Kathi, Elaine and Sandy!